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Stewards, not Bystanders: Civil society creates new oppurtunity to co-design cities

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by Hindustan Times in December 2020.   This year, I have been ...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

Daan Utsav: Investing for a better 'Samaaj'

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by Bloomberg Quint in October 2020   From the beginning of Oct...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

The World After Covid-19: Unless we are alert, the pandemic could become the last nail in individualism's coffin

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by The Times of India in April 2020   For centuries, individua...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

The Impact of Samaaj on the Work of Sarkaar and Bazaar

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

An excerpt from the speech addressing the eGovernments Foundation in July 2019. Since the past 2...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

Want to Empower Women? Start thinking about how to help young men.

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by India Development Review in December 2017 Every day, we hear...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

The End of Secession: Why the elite withdrawal from public services is coming to an end

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by The Times of India in November 2017 With the approaching win...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

Want to Make a Difference? Then initiate it.

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by Bangalore Bias in March 2015 Good governance is a term that ...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

New Indignation, New Alignment

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by Bangalore Bias in March 2015 Sometimes, it seems as though m...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan

Many Questions for the Dinner Table

Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Chapter 1: An Active Samaaj

This article was first published by The Hindu in July 2007   How do we produce food? How do we ...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan


Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Introduction

2022 marks exactly 30 years since I started my formal journey in civic engagement. Like many jour...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan


Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Introduction

Any author has many people to be grateful to for their book’s existence. In this case, if the lis...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan


Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First ... Introduction

Many writers and thinkers periodically bring out an anthology of their writing over the years. It...

Updated 2 months ago by Arvind Unnithan