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Digital Madness by Nicholas Kardaras

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by the relentless intrusion of technology in your life?
  • Do you worry about the effects of screen time on children and adults alike?
  • Are you ready to rethink your digital habits and regain control of your attention?
  • Interested in societal impacts and the future implications of our current tech trajectory?

"Digital Madness" by Nicholas Kardaras looks at how our obsession with technology like smartphones and computers might be harming us. The author explains that using too much technology can affect our brains and behavior, almost like an addiction. This book shows how technology is not just a personal issue but also something that affects all of society. It includes stories and research to prove these points and gives ideas on how we can use technology more wisely without letting it control us. The book helps us think about the right way to handle our tech use so we can be healthier and happier.

Reviews and Criticisms:

Critics have lauded the book for its thorough research and accessible presentation of complex psychological concepts. It's seen as a timely intervention in the discussion about technology's role in our lives.

Some reviewers have noted that the book might overemphasize the negatives of digital technology, potentially underestimating the benefits of digital connectivity and innovation.

No pages or chapters have been created for this book.