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How Numbers Work- Published by New Scientist

"How Numbers Work" by New Scientist is an accessible and engaging exploration of mathematics. It delves into the history and practice of mathematics and also discusses specific concepts like the power of zero and infinity, prime numbers and cryptography, mathematical paradoxes and puzzles among many others. 

Insights for Change Makers

The book discusses the history of numbers and mathematics. This can serve as a foundation for understanding the current state of mathematics.  

It also investigates the link between numbers and the fundamental nature of reality itself, offering a philosophical perspective. 

Reviews and Criticism

The book has a positive audience reaction with people appreciating its interesting language and considering it a solid introduction to the world of numbers. But, readers also end up finding it wordy and complicated at points, despite attempts by the author to simplify concepts. 

Credits- Goodreads 

Also used for reference- ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini AI

Written by- Hargun Kaur 

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