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Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou

Mom & Me & Mom is an autobiographical work that explores Maya Angelou's complex relationship with her mother, Vivian Baxter. The story highlights the powerful influence Vivian had on Angelou, both challenging and supporting her through various stages of life, including her early motherhood, her career shifts, and her journey into writing and activism.

Why a Change Maker Should Read This Book:

Resilience and Forgiveness: Angelou’s experiences with her mother offer profound lessons in resilience and the power of forgiveness. Change makers can learn about the strength it takes to reconcile with a troubled past to foster personal and communal healing.

Understanding Dynamics: The book delves into complex family dynamics, offering insights into how these relationships can both hinder and drive personal growth. This is particularly relevant for those interested in social dynamics and personal development.

Empowerment Through Acceptance: Angelou’s narrative underscores the empowerment that comes from acceptance and love. It serves as a reminder of the potential impact of nurturing relationships in leadership and community building.


Critics have praised Mom & Me & Mom for its honest and heartfelt exploration of maternal relationships and its lyrical prose. The book is a testament to the human capacity for love and resilience. The book occasionally glosses over deeper emotional complexities, potentially leaving readers wanting more introspective depth.

No pages or chapters have been created for this book.