Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar: A Citizen-First Approach by Rohini Nilekani
"When you collect water on your roof or on your site, you begin to feel part of the solution instead of part of the problem."
"Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar: A Citizen-First Approach" emphasizes the importance of a balanced relationship between society, the state, and the market, with the citizen at the center. Nilekani argues for an equilibrium where a strong and engaged civil society leads and holds both the government and businesses accountable, ensuring they serve the public good. Through case studies and examples, she shows the potential of a citizen-driven approach in creating a more sustainable future. Changemakers can utilize this book in the formulation of their own efforts, or for more insight into the process making progress possible.
About the Author
Rohini Nilekani is an Indian philanthropist, author, and social activist known for her work in promoting civic engagement and sustainable development. She is the founder-chairperson of Arghyam, a foundation focused on water and sanitation issues, and co-founder of Pratham Books, a non-profit dedicated to children's literacy.
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