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Solve for Happy by Mo Gawdat

  • Are you looking for ways to shift your mindset to focus on what truly matters in life, thereby finding joy in the everyday?
  • Are you curious about how a logical, systematic approach can be applied to achieving emotional well-being and happiness?
  • Do you ever wonder if there's a science or a set of principles that could consistently lead to a happier life, regardless of external circumstances?

Mo Gawdat, a former Google executive, applies his engineering background to develop a formula for happiness, which he calls the "happiness equation." The book was inspired by his personal journey of finding happiness after the tragic death of his son.

Key Concepts:

The Happiness Equation: Happiness ≥ Your Perception of the Events in Your Life - Your Expectations of How Life Should Behave.

Illusions: Gawdat discusses six grand illusions (thought, self, knowledge, time, control, and fear) that distort our view of reality and hinder our happiness.

Blind Spots: These are cognitive biases that consistently misinterpret our reality, making it hard to see life as it truly is.

Ultimate Truths: Gawdat concludes with discussing elements of existence that are always true, like change, love, death, which can help anchor our understanding of life.

Reviews and Criticisms:

Readers appreciate the clear, logical approach to emotional subjects, providing a refreshing perspective on handling life’s challenges through the lens of an engineer.

Some critics argue that the book simplifies complex emotional experiences and that the formulaic approach may not resonate with everyone’s unique life circumstances.

No pages or chapters have been created for this book.