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The Age of AI: And Our Human Future by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher

"The Age of AI" is an exploration of transformative AI technology from the diverse perspectives of a diplomat (Kissinger), an ex-CEO of Google (Schmidt) and a professor of computer science at MIT (Huttenlocher). They delve into the history of AI, its current capabilities, and its potential to reshape the global order, discussing questions of AI and ethics, the future and decision-making. The authors examine a range of AI technologies and write about them in a way that will appeal to both experts and laypeople. It also explores the darker side of AI like information manipulation and dictatorial governance. 

Insights for Change Makers

This book discusses the impact of AI on humanity from varied perspectives. It is a valuable tool for changemakers who appreciate the power of technology but also worry about its potential downsides. 

Changemakers can use this to understand the intersection of technology, politics, and society when it comes to AI.

Reviews and Criticism

The book does not create a hopeless feeling of inevitable doom but acts as a call to action that links tech, life and human societal evolution. However, it does not take any strong positions and ends up reading more like an essay or a textbook that lacks broadness or depth.

Credits- Goodreads

Also used for reference- ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini AI, The New York Times

Written by: Hargun Kaur 

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