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The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts

'The Book' challenges the prevalent "taboo" against self-discovery. Watts says that humans are connected to everything around us. The goal of Eastern thought is to tap into this collective feeling, which will result in love and harmony. Western thought is ego-based and individualistic, leading to competition and conflict. He suggests that our sense of self is not isolated but interconnected with the universe itself.

Insights for Change Makers

The book holds knowledge on eastern philosophies of interconnectedness and how they impact the self and our relationships with others. 

Changemakers can use it to understand the concept of self from many perspectives and how our modern way of life disconnects us from our true selves. This will help them identify the root cause of groundlessness and isolation. 

Reviews and Criticism

The writing style is engaging and accessible. The author uses humor and anecdotes to discuss philosophy. He also critiques our current focus on material possessions and technology, arguing that these external pursuits fuel a sense of alienation from our authentic selves.

Credits- Goodreads 

Also used for reference- Gemini AI

Written by- Hargun Kaur 

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