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The Economy of Algorithms: AI and the Rise of the Digital Minions by Marek Kowalkiewicz

The book explores the rise of algorithms and their growing influence on our lives. It argues that we've entered a new economic era dominated by algorithms, following the eras of corporations and the internet. It gives a tour of different AI algorithms and their industry applications.

Insights for Change Makers

This book can help changemakers become AI advocates and advocate for the ethical use of AI for good. AI can be used as a powerful tool for social change by automating administrative tasks in social service organizations and freeing up human resources for direct work with beneficiaries. 

Changemakers can use this book to identify areas where unfair practices create barriers to social good. They can then advocate for equity and justice.

Reviews and Criticism

The book is a must-read for non-technical professionals to understand the impact of automation in day-to-day business. It is a very good study of the current state of AI by an Australian expert in the field. The knowledge is explained simply with lots of good examples. The author looks at the benefits of AI and the pitfalls. He cites several examples of AI-related disasters and does not encourage firms to replace people with AI, instead focusing on a future where AI and humans co-exist.

Credits- Goodreads 

Also used for reference- Gemini AI

Written by: Hargun Kaur 

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