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Think Outside the Building by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

  • Are you ready to break free from old ways of thinking and lead transformative changes in your organisation or community?
  • Are you interested in developing leadership skills that empower you and others to make a difference?
  • Do you need practical strategies for leading change in uncertain times?

In "Think Outside the Building," author Rosabeth Moss Kanter, who teaches business at Harvard, challenges leaders to think differently and more broadly about how to make changes and solve problems. The book shows that the biggest chances to make a difference often exist outside the usual ways of doing things in companies and groups. Kanter shares stories and examples of people who have done great things by thinking creatively and working with others in their communities. This book is perfect for anyone who wants to really make a difference in the world by thinking outside the box and tackling big issues.

Reviews and Criticisms:

Many readers find the book uplifting and empowering, packed with real-world examples that show how to enact change. Some readers feel the book could give more detailed steps on how to apply the ideas in everyday situations.

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