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tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

It is usually when death nears that people figure out what was life all about. What are the things that matter and what are the things that don't. Often people tend to waste their energy, time and money on things they think matters and in retrospect find it all pointless. 

What can be better than having a wise old man's advice? As they say the smart ones learns from the mistake of others than waiting to make them on their own.

Tuesdays with Morrie is a memoir by Mitch Albom, an American author, who reconnects with his college professor Morrie Schwartz in the last days of his life. Mitch's weekly visits give him the opportunity to discuss the deeper questions of life.

The book is a soulful discussion on life and what is it about. 

However some critics believe that book fails to give actionable steps to follow or even brings about a major shift in perspective.

No pages or chapters have been created for this book.